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Showing posts from June, 2022

That time I emailed shadowline

I often wonder how much the lingerie / women's apparel industry is aware of men who wear panties. Does it ever come up in internal meetings? Do manufacturers ever try to cater to this demographic? Today, the subject is slightly less taboo and some businesses are very candid, open, and welcoming of men who like to wear panties. Katie & Laura's Satin Panties in particular should be commended for being very vocally supportive and encouraging: Well I back in 2012 it seems I was curious about this question and decided to reach out to various businesses to see what they had to say. Digging through the old outbox, it seems I emailed,,, and shadowline. I remember trying to find contact info for Vanity Fair too (of course!) but I can't find any record of correspondence with them. Of those, only freshpai...